Its amazing how quickly time flies,
From being a toddler following you around,
To being so busy to not even say a quick hi.
You have stood by me through thick and thin,
You have given me wings and taught me how to fly.

You have held me in your arms for so long,
Protecting me from the evils of this world.
When I get scared of the winds and thunder,
You give me strength to face it head-on,
How do you do it with such ease, I wonder.

It fills you with great pride to see me now,
All grown-up, making decisions on my own.
I know you are scared for me, will always be
Worrying about my health, happiness and well-being,
It was always your needs that you couldn't see.

You have never pushed me, nudged me,
Just gently pointed me in the right direction,
All I need is a bit of sky, a bit of air,
A long road to keep moving ahead and
Your hand on my shoulder to know you are always there.


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