
How does one start off their first blog? I have done a lot of research on this matter and have come to the following observations.

Most people start off with a deep moving poem to make look like he/she is the grandchild of Shakespeare himself. It does the trick as the person appears to be a highly intellectual and a superior being. Ofcourse the poetry has got no connection whatsoever with the individuals personality and the average reader is left racking his brain trying to decipher the meaning of all that flowy literature. I tried my hand at poetry too though. It sure is a tough job. I ended my attempts after realising that ending lines with rhyming words (PS: sweet - tweet; you - too; mojo - jojo) doesnot constitute as a poem.

Then there are the humble sorts who just introduce themselves and say what they had for breakfast, how their day went at work or how great/ sad their life is. I would personally not like to do that as there is hardly anything interesting going on in my life. Even my breakfast is bland and tasteless. In the current scenario, I would not even want to eat it, much less discuss about it. I am just an average, simple homo sapien going through life like everyone else.

And finally there is the third category of people.. and according to me the most widely distributed sorts. These first time bloggers post their first blog about what they should blog. They pretty much start off the way this particular blog started, and end with no conclusion much like the way this post is going to end. I named this the intellectually alien not because I claim to have supernatural ability to think of some unique ideas or thoughts that noone else has ever thought of. But more so because I am just an alien to myself. Whoever says that they know themselves better than anyone else maybe highly delusional and are in need of some serious help. Plus I think rotinhell.blogspot was already taken.

Well so long then. Hopefully next post would be a bit more conclusive and we can delve into the discussions of invasion and extinction of the human race. UFO out..


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