Games old and new

One of my closest friends and I grew up playing all sorts of board games that we possessed and these games were accompanied by long talks about the most arbitrary topics that two young kids could possibly think of. If not board games we would play some make-believe games. One of my favorite and the only one I can remember is the one where I am a mother, my friend is my child and my elder brother is in a double role as the kidnapper and the cop. My role was to pack my child's lunchbox, send her to school and cry when she gets kidnapped. The role of my friend was to be a cute and innocent kid and cry on getting kidnapped. And my brother got his acting skills out all guns blazing by punching himself with one hand and the other trying to block the punch. #IdentityCrisis

Such memories make me regret having grown up; not that I had any choice in the matter. I would love to play these silly and fun games once again. Ludo, Snakes and ladders, WWF (yes I had a game with boxing champions pics printed all over the board), Monopoly, Game of Life, and so on and on.


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