
Showing posts from August, 2018

Creeping towards 30

Shit. Just a few more months to hit 30!! I am having a mid life crisis here. What am I doing here on earth? What significant things have I done so far?? What does my future hold for me??? Much older people are totally going to use my age against me and "brag" about how they already had three kids when they were my age. Ugghh. Maybe it would come as a shock to them but my lifes aim is not to have kids. I am completely against the idea of producing kids just for recreational purposes. Don't we already have enough humans crawling on our planet? What do other sane folks do when they turn 30? Go on a world trip, do adrenaline pumping adventure sports, take a sabbatical to write a novel or pretty much do anything they damn please. I guess a lot of it is to celebrate their life so far, be reckless and carefree again and just be that same old crazy-at-heart soul. And then there are those who worry so much about the present and the future that they forget to live. Or be obsesse...