Third-life crisis
This is a new term that I heard from my friend the other day. I was thinking that I'm going through mid-life crisis, but it's apparently now termed third-life crisis for people in their early to mid-30's (thanks to the medical peeps for increasing our life expectancy). But regardless of age or the correct terminology, the fact is we are in a crisis. If you speak to people who are not going through it themselves (yet), chances are they'd laugh it off or say "Just chillll. You'll be fine". Thanks for the sound advice buddy, but that's not really helping. They may not understand what arguments and thoughts are constantly going on in your head every day. It wouldn’t matter to others but those thoughts matter to YOU. These thoughts could be anything from the fact that you are aging, to what you have achieved in your career to even existential questions like "Why am I here?" I'm going through it myself (yes, right now) for all the reasons I ...