
Showing posts from April, 2015

There and Back Again

Well I haven't really gone anywhere. Haven't been to New Zealand as is my future plan. But I am back again on this "blog". Honestly I had completely forgotten what it was called too. Wish it had remained that way. I come back after these many years to the home page and I see the previous posts and I am like "whaaaaaa... ?" I think sometimes I try to use my brain too much into writing about things which ultimately don't make any sense to me too. But thankfully there are only a few people (read one), who are aware of this blog space and my identity. So phew.. no harm done. I can still pretend in front of people that I am a normal human being. So I have been okay all this while. Attending weddings of any and every friend/colleague who remembers to invite me. And in some cases attend uninvited and surprise them. Work is .... well work. The lesser said about it the better. As is the custom of my fickle mind, I find new things to do everyday. Learn a new...